"The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." ~Mark Twain
This quote really resonates with me. Twenty-seven ago my two brothers, my only siblings, were killed in a plane crash. On my birthday. I was supposed to be on that plane. But...at the last minute I changed my mind. Decided to not go. For years I wondered why. Why them? Why not me? Why was my life spared? And...what should I be doing with it? All these years later, I am certain of my purpose. Without a shadow of a doubt. I'm here to help mentor other adoptive, foster, and kinship parents on this journey. To educate. To guide. To support. To encourage. To equip. To empower. I just got done working with parents in the Intentional Parent Coaching Group, and as I reflected on the Q and A call, I had this wave of emotion come over me. This. This is why I'm here. This is what I'm supposed to be doing. This journey of parenting an adopted or foster kiddo is a challenging one, but such an important one. It literally is saving lives. It's life changing - for the kiddo and for the parents. You are making a HUGE impact on a child's heart, on a child's future. I know how hard you're working. I know you're doing whatever you can to help your kiddo. And...I don't want you to have to do it alone. I'm here...cheering you on, guiding, supporting, mentoring, and encouraging you every step of the way. Thank you for the privilege and honor of working alongside you. With love and dedication to you and your family, Stacy Manning P.S. I'd love to have you join me in the Intentional Parent Coaching Group. You'll be supported and empowered like never before. I'd be honored to help you get your kiddo and your family to HAPPY & HEALTHY. Join us today. http://www.tohavehope.com/intentional-parent-coaching-group.html
If you've been thinking about joining me in the Intentional Parent Coaching Group...
Today's YOUR Day! We're kicking off the RIGHT time to work on getting your kiddo securely connected and your family to HAPPY & HEALTHY with a month packed with tools, tips, supports, and BONUSES and GIVEAWAYS. In addition to our weekly Q & A sessions, our closed Facebook page, and access to an entire Learning Library of 13 full length classes, you'll get some amazing bonuses this month:
NOW'S THE TIME! The time to join us. The time to get a plan for your family. The time to get you the tools and support you need. The time to get your kiddo to securely attached. The time to stop just hanging on, to stop just getting by. The time to get your family to HAPPY & HEALTHY. So...I've got just one question for you. What are you waiting for? http://www.tohavehope.com/intentional-parent-coaching-group.html Can't wait to see you in group! |
February 2020