Is school a struggle for your Adopted or Foster Child? School can often be a challenge for Adopted and Foster Kiddos...academically, behaviorally, or socially.
Phone calls home from the teacher or principal Meltdowns when the child gets home Poor grades Homework battles Not wanting to go to school Trouble making friends
Reality is, school makes up a big part of a child's time each week. Setting your child up for SUCCESS at school will make a big impact for your child!
That's why we're offering a SPECIAL PRICE on our Parenting Adopted and Foster Teenagers for you!
You'll get:
Emotional Age Matters video course
Membership to CONNECT - Intentional Parent Coaching Group, includes trainings, access to an entire library of video trainings, live online Q & A and Connect sessions, guest speakers, and more
Member of private Facebook entire tribe of support
Membership to Parenting Adopted and Foster Teenagers Focus Group: includes monthly online Q and A session and closed Facebook community
Access to video series
Let's make this school year one where your child feels SAFE, LOVED, & CAPABLE