Putting My Puzzle Pieces Together: A Hands-on Approach to Help Adopted Teens Discover the Masterpiece They Really Are is meant to help your 15 year+ adopted child get started on gathering their pieces, repairing those that are faded and bent and finding some of the missing ones. Creating their “puzzle” will help them understand where he/she fits in the world and in you family, study relationships he/she has with those around them, affect the development of self-esteem and begin to lay down a path towards a positive future.
This program is packed with pages of writing prompts, open-ended art opportunities and hands-on projects to help your child immerse themselves in the process of becoming “whole.” It has been designed so that it can be used independently or along with a parent or family member. The Parent/Guardian section includes detailed directions for use and insights on how to support your child in completing the task along with interpreting what it all means at the end.
Putting My Puzzle Pieces Together includes a binder packed with seven types of puzzle pieces for your child to look at including:
Who am I?-Really
This is My Life
Family…What is it Really?
My Future…
The World
Taking What I’ve Learned and Helping Others
A final chapter on Putting Your Puzzle Pieces Together
Each chapter ends with a therapeutic hands-on art project that will bring it all together and allow for further emotional expression. *Also included are a wooden treasure box, a mask and a blank puzzle needed to complete three of the projects in the program. Other supplies needed are every day items that can be gathered easily.
This project is meant to be used over a 2-6 month period of time depending on the depth and expanse your child goes in to it. It would be beneficial to use all or part of this program more than once in order to deal with all the puzzle pieces life entails.