You want ALL your students to feel SAFE, LOVED, & CAPABLE Nearly every classroom has students who've been impacted by trauma...
Whether by abuse, foster care, loss of a parent, divorce, and so on. As teachers, you want your students to feel safe, to feel cared for. To know they are capable.
Schools after schools are on the mission to make schools and classrooms not only trauma-informed, but more importantly, TRAUMA-SENSITIVE.
But teachers are BUSY...that's why we're making it easy to get you the tools and support to make your classroom truly TRAUMA-SENSITIVE. And we're offering SPECIAL LOW PRICE on Trauma Sensitive Classroom Bundle for you!
You'll get:
12 Ways to Help a Child Impacted by Trauma Be Successful at School video series
Membership to IMPACT - A Community of Trauma-Sensitive Teachers, includes trainings, live online Q & A and Strategy sessions
Member of private Facebook community to share ideas, ask questions, and connect with experts and other trauma-sensitive teacherst
Intro to Developmental Trauma video
Monthly Trauma-Sensitive Tool to use in your classroom
Monthly Parent-Teacher Partnership Tool to create a strong team for your students
Book Club - discussions and guest speakers
Let's create a place where your students feel SAFE, LOVED, & CAPABLE!