I Was Thinking…
I was a presenter and exhibitor at the NACAC conference this past week. WOW, what an experience! So many dedicated parents and professionals all with the same purpose in mind…how can we best help the hurt kids in our lives? I talked with hundreds of parents at different stages along their journey. Some were scheduled to get their kids in the next couple of weeks and some had parented their child for 28+ years already and everything in between. Some of them were so excited to be parenting their first child while others spoke of having 10, 17 and 22 children throughout their lives. This dedication is what makes a REAL difference in our world! There was a lot of great information shared, techniques taught, advice handed out, but I think what we all need to understand (attendees and non-attendees alike) is the most important thing to remember is that this kind of thinking, openness and dedication has to be kept up in our everday lives. Intentionally seeking knowledge, surrounding ourselves with others that get “it” and constantly acquiring new tools and techniques is crucial to helping our kids heal! It is easy to focus and dig deep when we take time away to do that, but when we are back in the trenches, face to face with the pain and hard behaviors, it gets more difficult and lots of times we get caught in the spin of our children’s deficits, do nothing, and eventually feel like we are out of control of our lives and backed into a corner. So I urge you to keep the CONFERENCE MINDSET throughout the year! Reach out to others and take the time to acquire and practice new tools and techniques as often as possible. Hearing things over and over again is NOT a waste of time! It is an investment in yourself and an assurance that you will be ready to be a healing force when the moment arises. The impact you are making on the world’s future is HUGE! Be Prepared!
I Was Thinking…
As I prepare for the U.S. Independence Day, I am reminded of how INTENTIONAL we need to be when it comes to holidays! We need to be clear that holidays are full of triggers for our children. There can be fun mixed in, sure. As Intentional Parents, we also know our kids have deficits that can affect them any given moment. Remember to take stock of what emotional ties you have to the holiday and its traditions and make sure they don't cause a trigger! Take into account smells, sounds, change in food, people, schedule, routine, sleep and boundaries! You know your child; make decisions based on that. You can create a more successful holiday if you meet your child where he is at both emotionally and physically! Have a safe and joyful weekend! |
February 2020