This past weekend we attended a Pow Wow. It was like a party for my senses - the drumming and singing were a haunting sound, the dresses and regalia were a beautiful sight, and the smell of the fry bread and sweet corn made my mouth water. However, I couldn't have been more out of tune with what was going on if I tried.
I realized I was getting no information about what was happening. The announcer made references I didn't understand and most of the dancers and attendees were silent. There was almost no verbal information. So I found myself trying to read the faces and physical movements of the dancers to understand what was happening. (Human beings use more than twice as much non verbal communication than they do verbal communication.) I had no clue-I was not able to read them at all. So much so that when one of the dances was over the announcer said thank you to those who were standing in the crowd and talked about how much it showed honor to the Veterans of this community. I was like, WHAT??!! Here's the thing...I was sitting down, NOT standing to honor the Veterans. I didn't have a clue that that was what was happening! I felt terrible! Of course I would have stood to honor these men and women. I was thinking on my way home again about how bad I felt. But what also dawned on me was - this is how our kids feel ALL of the time. One of the most pervasive impacts of trauma is the inability to read non-verbal cues. I got the Pow Wow I felt totally lost. Their non-verbal cues did not help me a bit. To me they looked a bit angry, not proud. The verbal cues didn't help much either. I missed the whole message. I have to tell you I felt frustrated and like I was being left out. I wanted to understand better and I tried my best to make some sense of things, but I was clueless. I clapped when everyone else did, I oohed and awed over the regalia and I made sure no one knew how utterly confused I was. I have watched my kids and the children of my clients manage (or mis-manage) these same kinds of moments. Except that they also hit other hurdles. It begins with them not getting what was really going on around them, feeling anxious and vulnerable, mis-reading the intent and expectations of those adults in the picture. Then, throw in the lack of emotional regulation and you have a triggered child - saying and doing things based out of Fight, Flight or Freeze. It is very hard to have a healthy relationship with someone who is often in fight, flight or freeze. It is very hard to heal when you are in fight, flight or freeze and the more it happens, the more damage is being created. As Intentional Parents, we must parent from the understanding that MUCH of the time our kids miss the whole message. That they don't want us to see it so they just muddle through the moment - and sometimes when they can muddle no longer, it becomes a trigger. That fear or vulnerability, that belief that I can't measure up, that feeling like I don't fit in cause I don't get it, becomes ugly words or behavior. It becomes low self esteem. It becomes a wedge in your relationship. What can you do? Pair words with your non-verbal cues. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat... Paint a picture with your words of what is happening. Be the external regulator for as long as it takes. See the moment and your child for what it really is. BE INTENTIONAL in EVERY MOMENT!
Did You Know...
researchers have linked chronic stress (like the stuff our kids have lived with) to a bunch of cognitive effects, including trouble with attention, concentration and creativity? It is no wonder our kids have a hard time with school! We see this played out in the student who can't sit still or keep his hands to himself, which eventually creates scenarios where he is either separated from his friends or removed from the class altogether. Or the struggle with math or reading...our kids can't stay on task long enough for those concepts to click in. I know you know what I am talking about! My daughter used to come home with her worksheets unfinished ALL OF THE TIME. Sometimes there were 3 of 10 answers missing, but lots of times there were 5 or 6 missing. It was so crazy. When I asked her about it, it was as if she had never even realized they were there or that she had skipped them. It became a pattern...I imagined it like an EKG (you know, those strips of jagged lines that show your heart activity) of her concentration while she was doing that assignment. She would answer 2, get distracted, skip a couple, and then come back to do 1 more and then she lost her way again - up, up, down, up, down ,down, etc... The clincher...she almost always knew the answer when I asked her the question. She just couldn't stay on task long enough to get them recorded on the worksheet. Her grades and feedback from the teacher reflected her issue with attention and concentration. NOT good on either account! She got low marks and the teacher received it as defiance. Trauma, grief, FAS, anxiety, just to name a few, really create road blocks for our children. Not only are there real changes in the way their brain grew and developed, but their ability to feel safe and calm in their own skin is lots of times not there. How can you concentrate, pay attention, keep yourself in check, be creative, be friendly, listen and follow directions and more when you barely feel safe? You CAN'T! I have found that the families and schools that are the most intentional about meeting their kids right where they are at are absolutely having huge success in overcoming road blocks such as poor attention and concentration. It is about creating an emotionally safe experience. Knowing how your child learns best and implementing that into his day allows him to be successful and not feel vulnerable. Using super effective tweaks and accommodations specifically designed with your child in mind to keep him from being triggered during the day supports him in staying focused and effective. Working with your child's team to ensure that they really get the whole picture so that your child is getting assistance from them that is healing. There is SO much we can do to help our children learn amidst their struggles! Families tell me time and time again that thinking and acting like an Intentional Parent has been a game changer for their family - especially around schooling! Whether your child goes to public school or is home schooled, whether your child shines at school or is the "trouble-maker", whether he has a hard time making friends or is the center of everyone's attention or whether he can't get math, but can build incredible things out of Legos...meeting him right where he is at will create successful emotional experiences for him and you WILL see positive progress! I want to teach you how to get different results than you have in the past...I want to teach you how to help your child have his best year yet! You ALL deserve that! I have put together new research, effective tools and techniques that work to keep anxiety and triggers under control, powerful I.E.P. and accommodation suggestions, the pluses and minuses of homeschooling, words and ideas to help you create an effective team, steps to help your child improve his self-esteem and make friends, and SO much more so that you can really help your child succeed! OOH, I HEAR YOUR EYES ROLLING BACK IN YOUR HEAD (wink, wink)...I totally get it, I have been there. You are thinking, Stacy, I have tried everything and nothing changes...I am exhausted and overwhelmed and I just don't think I can or want to do it! Here's the thing, that mindset is only going to make things worse because your child is responding to where you are, he's responding to the hope you have for the situation. If you don't have any, neither does he - without hope for change and a better life, they quit! Behavior gets worse, no self worth, anxiety depression, lying, stealing, and on and on! This is part of the job you were meant to have (parent) and you CAN do this and I am here to help you make it work! In my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet, you will work with me along with two other schooling experts to craft a unique action plan that will create an emotionally safe learning "place" for your child. You will have effective tools and techniques that will help your child be able to pay attention and concentrate better which will help with things like math struggles. Strategies and hands-on tools that will decrease the really hard stuff like talking back, mouthing off and general disrespectful behaviors. Your action plan will include specific powerful additions to be added to an IEP or 504 and tons of ways to make accommodations at home that will ensure success. And SO much more! Stop questioning whether or not things can actually get better and make it happen! Choosing to go for it and "fight" for it speaks volumes to EVERYONE around you. You CAN do this! Just imagine it...a calmer happier school year - that is good for your entire family! Just know...I am keeping this small on purpose. I want to be able to work with each family to ensure they have a really effective action plan when the class is over! At this time there are 7 spots remaining! Get Registered today so you don't lose your spot by clicking on the link below! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less than my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope AND just added today-- A FREE Follow Up Q and A Session on October 19th I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you in class! are NOT alone, Stacy Manning Are you wondering about homeschooling? Looking back, I am very glad I had an opportunity to homeschool our children. I called it Manning Immersion School. Being home together allowed us plenty of time to learn about each other. It allowed our girls to experience things like consistent food, safety and the loving behavior of a parent. It allowed me to get to know things like their favorites, their fears and their beliefs about the world and themselves. Being home allowed us to work on building their safety net as well as helping them to learn.
No, it was NOT easy and I was NOT always glad I had made that choice. It was often INTENSE. We even sent one of our daughters to school for a year in the middle of it - to see if I was the real problem. We learned real quickly I was NOT the problem...the struggles like stealing, lying, and tantruming still happened at school. She spent a year at school and then we kept her home again - she was relieved. There were days school happened and days that it didn't. I got more and more confident in the fact that my kids needed to learn to trust before they could learn their math facts. But HOW? They were supposed to be learning/schooling. Here's what I found out...Studies show that kids who come from abuse, neglect, loss and trauma have a hard time being successful at learning and working on relationships/Secure Attachment at the SAME time. I decided that this could make homeschooling a viable option for them. For youth with experiences living in chaos, danger, and other difficult histories, the expectations of fitting into a family and being a student are all overwhelming. They spend a lot of their time being triggered...existing in Fight, Flight or Freeze. Many times the adults in their lives don't even realize that is where they are because it doesn't look like that; it looks like defiance, aggression, tuning out or lack of trying. When our human mind is triggered, all non-survival functions in our brain shut down. There is no appetite - digestion is shut down. There is no executive functioning - knowing right and wrong and learning is shut down. Their perceived fear and the need to survive takes over! SO the answer is to focus on being intentional about HOW you school your child or HOW you send your child to school. Keeping triggers to a minimum is the goal. When you keep triggers down, executive functioning can remain in tact and learning CAN happen. The recipe for success is knowing how your child learns best and learning how to teach that way, how to communicate to him without triggering him, when it is anxiety that is getting in the way, having your fingers on the pulse of all of the resources out there that will help you meet him where he is at, knowing how to organize and think through how to focus your teaching and understanding how to create an emotionally safe learning environment ALL the while building and strengthening your connection with your child. It WORKS to help him be So MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL! You CAN homeschool your child if you want to and I am here to help you do that! If you have been contemplating homeschooling but aren't because it is just too overwhelming and you are not sure you can or want to handle it, my next class is for YOU! Every session will prepare you more and by the end of the 4 sessions you will have an action plan put in place! In my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet, you will work with me along with two other schooling experts to: Keep triggers to a minimum Know how your child learns best and learn how to teach that way Know how to communicate with him and teach him without triggering him Know when it is anxiety that is getting in the way Have your fingers on the pulse of all of the resources out there that will help you meet him where he is at Know how to organize and think through how to focus your teaching Understand how to create an emotionally safe learning environment Keep a focus on building and strengthening your connection with your child while learning is going on And SO much more... Just imagine it...a calmer happier school year - that is good for your entire family! Just know...seats are filling up and I am keeping it small so I can work with each family to ensure they have a really effective action plan when the class is over! Only 8 spots remaining! Get Registered today so you don't lose your spot! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less then my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope I am looking forward to seeing you in class! You've Got This!
I know what a struggle some days can be, especially when others don't even see what you are living. So here are some responses to the questions in your head... No, you are not going crazy...your child's anxiety is creating that question in your mind; hold on tight to the truth. Yes, your child's ugly stuff is pointed more directly at you than anyone else...he was hurt by the loss of his primary attachment figure; he's afraid to lose again. No, having a big heart to heart discussion won't help...this is deficit NOT defiance. Yes, your child does care about much so that since he believes you will eventually abandon him (as others have), he will make it happen first so it doesn't hurt so much. No, this moment won't be your forever...healing takes a long time and doesn't often look like we thought it would, but it IS healing all the same. Yes, you have to be your child's external regulator for a long time...he missed out on that as a young child and needs to integrate it now. No, you can't parent your child like everyone else...he is an individual, you need to meet him right where he is at. Yes, always looking for the good and having hope for the future is VERY is a gift you can give to yourself and to your child. It is life changing! This job is probably one of, if not the most important, you will ever have....FIGHT FOR IT! Stay true to the heart that chose it. Nurture yourself as well as others around you. Communicate bravely. Be sad for what could have been - be glad for what comes from now. Start fresh each day. Look at the whole picture always. Be Intentional with every decision, word and action! YOU HAVE GOT THIS! Oh boy, that first call from school for the year...ugh! Here we go again. "Your son is being disruptive, your son was disrespectful to the teacher, your son has got to change this or that, your son, your son..." Those phone calls are so hard and so destructive. Either you're mad and frustrated with the teacher or you're mad at your child and then even yourself - none of which helps at all. It seems like a never ending issue.
I get it, sometimes it seems like no matter how hard you try when it comes to school it is still a struggle. For so many of our children, the impacts of their losses runs deep and LOTS OF TIMES YOU CAN'T SEE IT. The early connections that were damaged were where the ability to regulate your own emotions comes from so our kids struggle with saying and doing the wrong things. They blurt out their feelings inappropriately to other students or their teacher or they go to the opposite extreme and hold them in until their bodies can't take it anymore and they end up touching or pushing other people or knocking things over or being too rough. Then throw in other hurdles, like not being able to read non-verbal cues very well or really not getting cause and effect concepts, and the snowball begins to form...the more they fail the higher their anxiety rises and the less ability they have - a recipe for disaster! Self regulation is key to surviving a classroom and being able to concentrate and be organized enough to learn in ANY scenario and our children NEED PRACTICE AND COACHING to be successful. Being intentional about HOW you send your child to school or HOW you choose to school your child is what will help him be more successful. Here's the thing, you are your child's external regulator for a long time. So, when you put specific plans in place that keep YOU in your child's experience, he will be able to regulate himself better. This is about BRAIN WIRING...not defiance! Whether at home or at a school, it really helps if you have a team that gets it or at least tries to get it to really make this happen. To help your child regulate better, you have to first put in place items, routines and consistencies that create a strong connection and then put in place easy to use CLEAR and CONCISE PLANS that will honor and support that connection NO MATTER where each of you are - together or apart. When your child's whole team uses the same plan pointing everything back to you "the external regulator", he will have MORE POSITIVE results across the board. Healing happens, new brain wiring happens! Putting a plan in place to create the connection that will ABSOLUTELY help your child regulate better is only one of the powerful things I will be teaching in my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet. There is SO much more....come and work with me along with two other schooling experts to gather the knowledge, experience and tools and techniques you need to create YOUR CHILD'S best year yet! Being an Intentional Parent means meeting your child right where they are at and teaching others to do the same thing - when that happens your child will be more successful! Imagine it...a school year that is more peaceful - your entire family will benefit from that! Just know...seats are filling up and I am keeping it small so I can work with each family to ensure they have a really effective action plan when the class is over! Get Registered today so you don't lose your spot! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less then my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope I am looking forward to seeing you in class! Okay so when people ask me for a parenting tip that really works this is the FIRST one I give!
There are three reasons why I share this one first... 1. Anyone can choose to do it! 2. You can start immediately! 3. It works every time! Here's the thing...YOU are your child's best chance at healing and being as successful as possible! Getting the ugly stuff out of the way of your relationship is HUGE! So, my (not very difficult - on paper) tip is...Start Over Every Day or Every Hour or Every Minute! Yep...Start Over! Here are 5 steps you can choose to get there... 1.Stop talking 2. Look at the whole situation - your whole child (deficits, history, bigger picture, anxiety, etc). 3. Re-frame it for what it really is - (too much for my child, too many transitions, fear, anxiety, grief, a trigger, etc). 4. Forgive - your child, yourself, your friend or family member, etc. 5. Still no talking - no big heart to hearts, explanations of what you are doing, excuses or arguments. 6. Start over - start new whenever necessary (no, typically consequences don't even work anyway...this is about the healing of a child who, among other things, isn't great at doing relationships - punishing a deficit is pretty pointless). One thing I know for sure...Starting Over is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do to help your child, much less you and your whole family! However, I also know that on paper it seems easy, but in real life there are times when it seems like the last thing you can or want to do. It is truly a CHOICE we have to make. The great thing is that it is a choice that makes all the difference! Have you tried it on a consistent basis? Having trouble? Come on over to Facebook and let's talk about CAN do this but lots of times it helps to talk it out! I look forward to hearing from you! Do you just want to see your child have a more successful school year? I know what that is like. I also know how overwhelming and exhaustng all the details and options can be, let alone stepping out of my comfort zone, beyond all the negative voices in my and out of my head and my own self doubt.
Maybe you want your child to be able to make more friends, or to be able to get his math? Maybe you want to feel like the teachers at school value your input or are on your side? Maybe you want to homeschool your child, but just don't know how to go about it or if you can really do it? Maybe your IEP needs some tweaking and you need some fresh ideas to help curb hard behaviors? Maybe you are tired of getting calls from school asking you to pick up your son or daughter in the middle of the day? I want to help you understand your child's learning style, how trauma has impacted him and his ability to learn and put together an action plan that will really work! I want to help you create your action plan while avoiding ALL the common pitfalls that arise. Last month we planned something very special for you to happen this fall and it's almost here! I have schooled my 6 kids using a variety of styles including both public school and homeschooling. At this point, we have one in college and one who owns her own business. The remainder are finishing up their high school careers homeschooling, at an arts academy and in public school. I have also worked with many clients to help them find their way through the schooling process by helping to plan homeschool curriculum, joining IEP meetings, and educating a multitude of school staff from Principal to Para. Schooling is such a huge part of your family's is important to get it right and I can help! Do you just want to see your child have a more successful year? But you're overwhelmed about all the details? Questions you seriously have to ask yourself are:
JOIN ME IN September starting MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12th at 7:30pm FOR THIS CLASS OF A LIFETIME! The BEST part is this- it is affordable to ANYONE! On this class, which you can do from your own home through a smartphone, I'll lay out the ground work for you, cover all the details, help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed and most importantly HELP YOU to create your ACTION PLAN for this years school plan.. One week before class I'll send you a homework assignment with a questionnaire to get you started quickly. We are going to be very intentional on this class so YOU can get the best results! It doesn't matter that school has started...actually it is better! We can take what is happening and make it better - you can make changes any time throughout the year, actually you should make changes throughout the year always heading towards meeting your child right where he is right now! If you are SERIOUS about having the best school year yet, please see what I have prepared for you! THIS could be your chance to write for yourself a More PEACEFUL YEAR and a MUCH HAPPIER family! PLEASE NOTE: The price is ridiculous and so get a seat now! P.S. You also get 2 bonus classes to get you started and the recordings of the classes if you can't attend! I thought I was basically prepared to parent our three adopted children...after all I had already been successfully parenting three boys for 6 years. And even better - the girls would come and be the same age as the boys so I figured that would be easy because we would have just three ages to deal with.
I had a basic understanding that our girls would be "behind" a bit. I think everyone gets that. The problem was I couldn't always identify what was from being "behind" and what was plain old naughty behavior. I used the boys to measure where they should be and how they should behave. They either were not catching up or just being stinkers. Lots of people gave me advice based on what their kids did at different ages, but that just didn't fit...nothing worked. It was like I was hitting my head against a brick wall. Some days my girls could do what I asked them to do and do well in situations or with other children, but many other days they just failed miserably. Eventually, it just felt very purposeful and a big void began to form between us, which made me feel like a crappy Mom. The reality is that I was wrong; well, I just didn't know what the truth really was. The struggles I was having were not based out of defiance; they were based out of my not parenting my children at their emotional age. I was really setting them up to fail. I needed to do it differently... We needed new tools and techniques that worked! When we started meeting our girls at their emotional age, EVERYTHING changed! You can do it too! First, we will identify your child's emotional age and then I will show you how to use your child’s emotional age to parent in a way that will ABSOLUTELY create change! The void will close and you will all be more successful and feel connected. Get my Emotional Age Matters class and get started TODAY! It will be a POWERFUL 90 minute class that will include the strategy that you need to start identifying those critical moments correctly so that you can be THE HEALING FORCE! Use this link to purchase your class! I used to say that I was going to make myself a t-shirt that said, The Meanest Mom In The World!
While I joked about it, I have to tell you, it was one of the biggest hurdles I had to face each and every day. It didn't really seem to matter what I did or didn't was never enough or it was never right by the standards of my adopted children. Loving them the way I loved my boys was NEVER enough for them. I tried and tried only to fail over and over. Give them what they want, be strong and make hard parenting decisions, take them places, buy them things....nothing was ever right! I was blamed for the unhappiness of the past, the present and the sure failure of the future. I was physically challenged too. Some days I felt stalked in my own home and other days it was as if I didn't even exist. My things were stolen or ruined on a daily basis. I was called every name in the book. It felt like even if I just tipped my head wrong when I was looking at her, it could create a huge issue. I was told in many ways, many times a day that I was the MEANEST MOM in the world. The problem is that it started wearing on me and I started questioning it myself. I didn't have much support. My husband didn't get treated this way and rarely saw the issue. My family and friends never saw anything other than a loving joyful child and had determined that I was a controlling you-know-what. I really struggled. I had to battle the constant verbal and physical barrage of ugliness daily. I knew in my head that I was a good Mom, but whereever a little doubt lived within me this kid would find it and attack there. As time passed and I learned more, it became clear to me that having a relationship with me was terrifying to my daughters. They each struggled with the concept in their own ways. Each with their own level of resilience, their own set of beliefs based on their past experience and their own deficits from the trauma they experienced. The relationship with me was not the terrifying part to them it was the potential loss that caused them the most fear. The possibility of enduring that kind of pain again, was for each of them, a HUGE block when it came to being able to have a relationship with me. I only wanted to give them "everything", but they had put stock in that before and had been let down in the biggest way. Now, I realized, they were going to make sure I really COULD love them no matter what. They brought me all the ugliness they felt about themselves- their unworthiness, their self doubt, their failures- and set them down in front of me and basically about if I do this? How about if I say this? I am clearly no good. I am broken. I am the cause of my bio Mom not wanting me. HOW CAN YOU WANT TO BE MY MOM FOREVER? I don't buy it...You will leave me too! I am not worthy of such goodness. I really want all you Mean Mamas out there to hear this... All that crap that is happening in your is NOT about you. You are not the meanest Mom in the world. Your child doesn't even think that...they think THEY are not lovable. They are worried that there is no way you can love who they believe they are. You are only the potential abandoner, NOT the meanest Mom. I want to urge you to step up to the challenge and prove to your child that you are their Mom No Matter What and For As Long As It Takes! You will NOT abandon them. The child that used to tell me how horrible I was now raves about me - not always to my face, but to people who will tell me. The child that told me how mean I was now tells others that her standards are identical to the ones I used when I was raising her. The daughter who didn't need me calls me when it is thundering and any other time she is scared or worried or needs someone. I took the challenge and proved to her that she deserved that kind of LOVE. Oh yeah, so that we are on the same page, you need to know getting there wasn't took years and years and years. It took tears. It took determination. It took starting over every minute if I had to. It took doing most everything in my life differently than everyone else. It took being more Intentional than I have ever been and it took lots of hope! You can do it too! Change how you are receiving and labeling your child and his or her behavior and beliefs. Remember it is NOT about IS about loss, trauma and the ultimate fear - abandonment. My new ideas for my t-shirt include...I am a NO MATTER WHAT Mom! or I accept your challenge...I am in it FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES! What do YOU think? Which one do you like better? If you have any ideas I can use let me know! You know, I was of the most important things we can do for our children is to meet them right where they are at and understanding their learning style is where it all begins when it comes to school!
Whether at public school or at home I remember trying to help my girls learn. So many times we had to work through the emotional stuff and then through the impacts of trauma and other deficits and then they could finally learn some concepts. The question became HOW? How could I teach them what they needed to know and how could I support the teacher at school to do the same? Focusing on learning styles was KEY. Really understanding HOW each of my girls learned and WHY really helped me see things clearly! Once you figure it out there are so many great resources out there to help us teach our children. There are also teachers at school that want to help too, but just don't have the time it takes to figure out what is best for our kids. If we know how they learn best, we can include that in an IEP or pass it along to teachers. Learning style really impacts the whole experience...things like whether they can sit still or not, how they handle their emotions, figuring out math and reading, making friends, and even following the rules. It really is one of the most important elements in making school work and that's why it is ONE of the main focuses of my next class Your Child's Best School Year Yet. Just imagine a more peaceful school year! I know that your child's school year can be different and I know how to arm you with the words and tools to get there! This Intentional Parent Series includes not one, but 3 experts in the field along with tools, techniques and communication strategies that you have never heard before! There is so much that can be done! Join me for my exclusive 4 week session and be one of only 25 families that will change their child's school experience for good! In order to make sure you get a very specific plan in place I can only take 25 families so don't wait! Oh and by the way - in an effort to make sure you get everything you need to make this year different I am also giving you 2 other very popular classes for FREE. There are a handful of classes left...get your spot NOW because Registration CLOSES TOMORROW (Saturday August 13th) at NOON! Use the link below to register!**You also get...a Complimentary recording of two of my best sellers Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope ***If you can't meet with us on the night of the class that is okay, I have you covered. You get to watch the recording! Let's get started on making this your child's BEST school year yet! |
February 2020