Are you wondering about homeschooling? Looking back, I am very glad I had an opportunity to homeschool our children. I called it Manning Immersion School. Being home together allowed us plenty of time to learn about each other. It allowed our girls to experience things like consistent food, safety and the loving behavior of a parent. It allowed me to get to know things like their favorites, their fears and their beliefs about the world and themselves. Being home allowed us to work on building their safety net as well as helping them to learn.
No, it was NOT easy and I was NOT always glad I had made that choice. It was often INTENSE. We even sent one of our daughters to school for a year in the middle of it - to see if I was the real problem. We learned real quickly I was NOT the problem...the struggles like stealing, lying, and tantruming still happened at school. She spent a year at school and then we kept her home again - she was relieved. There were days school happened and days that it didn't. I got more and more confident in the fact that my kids needed to learn to trust before they could learn their math facts. But HOW? They were supposed to be learning/schooling. Here's what I found out...Studies show that kids who come from abuse, neglect, loss and trauma have a hard time being successful at learning and working on relationships/Secure Attachment at the SAME time. I decided that this could make homeschooling a viable option for them. For youth with experiences living in chaos, danger, and other difficult histories, the expectations of fitting into a family and being a student are all overwhelming. They spend a lot of their time being triggered...existing in Fight, Flight or Freeze. Many times the adults in their lives don't even realize that is where they are because it doesn't look like that; it looks like defiance, aggression, tuning out or lack of trying. When our human mind is triggered, all non-survival functions in our brain shut down. There is no appetite - digestion is shut down. There is no executive functioning - knowing right and wrong and learning is shut down. Their perceived fear and the need to survive takes over! SO the answer is to focus on being intentional about HOW you school your child or HOW you send your child to school. Keeping triggers to a minimum is the goal. When you keep triggers down, executive functioning can remain in tact and learning CAN happen. The recipe for success is knowing how your child learns best and learning how to teach that way, how to communicate to him without triggering him, when it is anxiety that is getting in the way, having your fingers on the pulse of all of the resources out there that will help you meet him where he is at, knowing how to organize and think through how to focus your teaching and understanding how to create an emotionally safe learning environment ALL the while building and strengthening your connection with your child. It WORKS to help him be So MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL! You CAN homeschool your child if you want to and I am here to help you do that! If you have been contemplating homeschooling but aren't because it is just too overwhelming and you are not sure you can or want to handle it, my next class is for YOU! Every session will prepare you more and by the end of the 4 sessions you will have an action plan put in place! In my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet, you will work with me along with two other schooling experts to: Keep triggers to a minimum Know how your child learns best and learn how to teach that way Know how to communicate with him and teach him without triggering him Know when it is anxiety that is getting in the way Have your fingers on the pulse of all of the resources out there that will help you meet him where he is at Know how to organize and think through how to focus your teaching Understand how to create an emotionally safe learning environment Keep a focus on building and strengthening your connection with your child while learning is going on And SO much more... Just imagine it...a calmer happier school year - that is good for your entire family! Just know...seats are filling up and I am keeping it small so I can work with each family to ensure they have a really effective action plan when the class is over! Only 8 spots remaining! Get Registered today so you don't lose your spot! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less then my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope I am looking forward to seeing you in class!
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February 2020