Strolling through Target yesterday and it’s clear…school’s starting soon. Notebooks. Pencils. Parents with supply lists in hand, some with kids in tow. “Getting ready for school” is in the air.
School…it’s always I topic I get asked about. A LOT. It’s inevitable, within 6 weeks of school starting calls are pouring in. And that’s why we are digging deep into school now, before kiddos start struggling. Let’s get ahead of it so your child succeed at school. The challenges and struggles many adopted and foster kiddos deal with are not truly understood by many teachers. Often, it gets seen as defiance rather than what it actually is…impacts of trauma. Too often teachers are not able to keep our kiddos safe emotionally and psychologically because they are not trauma-informed. Teachers have a lot of training, but not enough when it comes to being trauma informed regarding adopted and foster children. I’m a big believer in getting the school team on the same page as the parents. I’ve been asked by parent after parent if I had something they could give to their children’s teachers. Something that would explain the “what it looks like on my child and why”. And so I’m in the process of creating just that…an ebook for parents to share with their child’s school team. It will be up this month in the Coaching Group as a bonus to share your child’s school team. In addition, we will be meeting online weekly to get a plan tweaked for your child and your questions answered. This school year can look a whole lot different…for your child and for you. Join me in the Intentional Parent Coaching Group and let’s get your child off to a great start and make this his best school year yet!
Oh. My. Gosh. I am so excited to tell you about what's going on this month in the Intentional Parent Coaching Group!
August is all about getting YOU and YOUR FAMILY ready for SCHOOL! And getting SCHOOL ready to help your child succeed! We are going to continue our study of the impacts of TRAUMA and what they look like in your everyday life...especially at school. Then Stacy will help you tweak your action plan by teaching you tools and strategies that will create the shift you are looking for. In addition to weekly Live Q&A sessions with Stacy, FREE access to the Learning Library full of Stacy's best selling classes (even the newest class that was made for you to share with family and friends), membership in the Closed Facebook Group and DEEP DISCOUNTS on Private Coaching Sessions with Stacy and membership opportunities in our Focus Groups...Members will get to be the part of some incredible bonuses this month! Bonus #1 - Live Emotional Age Matters Class. Come and discover your child's emotional age range and I'll give you tools &strategies you can use to help your child heal by meeting him right where he is. This is foundational information for any Intentional Parent that should be measured every 6 months or so to help you accurately consider your whole child. Bonus # 2 - Members will receive access to a an ebook that you can share with your child's teacher and other support staff. This information will help you teach school personnel how to be an extension of you instead of a replacement for you. It will give them tools and strategies to put in place that will increase your child's success and help to create a trauma sensitive environment for all kids. And much more. Bonus # 3 - IPCG Members are invited to join Stacy and 6 other Mom's on her exclusive BREATHE Retreat. There is still 1 spot left. We are going to dig deep. Rest. Breathe. Start Fresh. Don't miss this opportunity! This is going to be a great month. Let's work together to help your child, actually your whole family, have your best school year yet! Just join me in my Intentional Parent Coaching Group to have access to these bonuses my newest video class Supporting an Adoptive or Foster Family 10, made to share with your family and friends, Weekly Q&A sessions with me, membership on the CLOSED Facebook Page and to the Learning Library which consists of my 12 top selling classes and SO much more! Today is YOUR day! Just click the link Yesterday was the last day of school for my daughter. All the rest of my kiddos were done last week. we go. SUMMER!
For many families, their hopes and vision for summer don't always match how it ends up really looking. They picture carefree days. Relaxation. Fun. Happy. But...that's not always the case. Summer can be challenging for lots of kiddos. A big transition. Increased intimacy. Change in routine. Less structure. And that can lead to anxiety. Behaviors. Meltdowns. Struggles. Suddenly summer doesn't feel so happy and relaxing. As summer goes on, I get phone calls and emails from parent after parent after parent. They're exhausted. At their wit's end. Sad. Frustrated. And are counting down the days til the school year. doesn't have to be that way. That's why I'm kicking off summer with an all new class...A Successful Summer. I'm teaching a step-by-step plan for parents to make this summer HAPPIER & HEALTHIER for their kiddo, and for their entire family. If want this summer to be smoother, happier, calmer...this class is for YOU! If you want to enjoy the summer instead of dealing with meltdowns, tantrums, and so on...this class is for YOU! If you want to have a plan that works instead of just hoping for good days...this class is for YOU! And to make it even better...this class is FREE for the members of the Intentional Parent Coaching Group. So join us in group today and I'll see you in class on June 12th! Let's make this summer a happy & healthy one for your entire family. As you might know, over the past 12 years or so I have been supporting parents around the globe - One-on-one Coaching, Webinars, Support Groups, my Book, and More - and it has been GREAT!
My goal has and always will be to be able to support you IN THE TRENCHES. What to SAY. What to DO. In the heat of the moment! I have lived this and I know that's what's missing. Well...we have just gotten one hundred steps closer to achieving that! As of April 1st, there are multiple more ways we can get your family to Thriving instead of just Surviving! I'd like to introduce to you the Intentional Parent Coaching Program. As members of the Intentional Parent Coaching Program, you become part of an incredible movement of Adoptive, Foster, Kinship, Step, and Guardian Families all parenting a NEW way...the way that creates HEALING. That brings the JOY back. The HOPE. That empowers Moms and Dads to feel good about themselves, feel strong, and to be the force that will make the difference for their child. The first step in joining this movement is to become a member of the Intentional Parent Coaching Group. We meet Live online WEEKLY so that I can answer your questions and help you make an action plan that works. You get access to a Learning Library of 12 of my best selling classes. You get to be a part of an incredible group of families from across the globe on our closed Facebook Group. It's awesome! Being a member is crucial. I know that the coaching group is YOUR safety net and needs to be in place for us to walk through the trenches together. This is a long journey as you know and to stay engaged for as long as it takes and no matter what IS absolutely doable when you have that kind of support! And just wait till you hear what we've added...we've just moved so much closer to me being right beside you every day. First, we have added what we call Focus Groups...I foresee these groups being used for "a season" so to speak. As we Intentional Parents build the safety net, we work hard to tie the knots nice and tight and that's great, but then a new challenge pokes out in a different place - so we have to move to tie those knots. The focus groups are meant to help you focus in on one particular spot of the net and make it as fail proof as possible, while still maintaining the rest. Our Focus Groups are small groups in which we dig deep and create an action plan to help your family get to the peace you are looking for. The first three focus groups are: Homeschooling Your Adopted or Foster Child Parenting Adopted and Foster Teens School and Your Adopted or Foster Child Secondly, we have added another fantastic option for members, which is the ability to have affordable One-On-One Coaching Hours with me via phone or online. This time allows families to narrow down to the tiniest next step of their action plan, to ask questions, learn new strategies and so much more. It is SO EXCITING to witness the powerful shift that is happening for families who are immersing themselves in becoming INTENTIONAL. I know how hard it can be, especially when you are doing it alone. The thing doesn't have to be so hard or so lonely. Come and join us. We are doing it differently and moving towards all the great stuff our families deserve! To get started just join me in the Intentional Parent Coaching Group! Let's Do This Today! JOIN US! With great excitement for the future of your family, Stacy Manning The other day I ran into a mom who was part of our homeschool co-op several years ago. My mind flashed back to those days. My daughter was really struggling then. In fact, our entire family was really struggling. But, it was important to me as a homeschooling mom to give my kiddos some opportunities – to learn from other teachers and to connect with other kids, so I set up a co-op.
As I try to do with all my parenting choices, I had to meet each of my kids where they were at. For some, they could jump right in, choose some classes, and be pretty independent. Others needed more of me so they were in classes I taught. For my oldest daughter, it was not easy so I had to keep her close, come up with a way it would work best for her. Initially, I got a lot of questions from other parents. Why can’t she be in the other classes like her peers? Why are you so hard on her? And those were just the questions they asked me. I’m certain there were more that they didn’t directly ask me. To be honest, it was really hard. Hard to be questioned. Hard to have my parenting skills doubted. Hard to be judged. Hard to do it differently than everyone else. But it was the only way it was going to work for my family. It was what my daughter needed, what she deserved. The gal I ran into the other day was the mom of two girls, one who had special needs. She understood about meeting a child right where they are at. She understood having to do things differently. The difference, her daughter’s special needs were visible. My daughter’s wounds and needs are often INVISIBLE to others. That is what often brings about the questioning, the judging, the doubting. So if doing things differently than everyone because that’s what works best for my child makes me look crazy, CALL ME CRAZY! Are YOU with me? For as long as it takes and NO Matter what, Stacy Manning P.S. Let's do this together! What to say and do in the moment, how to deal with others, how to create an action plan that works and SO much more is where you can be as a member of my Intentional Parent Coaching Group. I will teach you how to make a difference every day. It's time to stop just surviving and start thriving! Click here for more information and to get started today! So many struggle with one or more pieces of schooling their child. Whether it is the right curriculum, the right teacher or the right experience there are hundreds of options and choosing the right one for your child is key.
No, receiving a standard, cookie-cutter education is not acceptable. Your child deserves to learn the way he learns best. He deserves to be surrounded by adults who are invested in helping him succeed by allowing him to practice emotionally, physically and cognitively. He deserves to feel safe emotionally. He deserves to be met right where he is at! Look, I get it. My daughters each had their own hurdles when it came to learning. Their impacts of trauma were very prevalent when it came to learning. We have both home-schooled and used the public school system over the years. Either way, until I got the people around us to understand how to identify and then educate my girls right at the place they were at we hit roadblocks over and over again. Now I know that the way to change your child's experience with schooling is by becoming EXTREMELY intentional about meeting them right where they are at. I want to teach you how to do it too! First, you must identify how trauma has affected your child's ability to learn and teach in a way he can take on new information. Second, you must identify how trauma has affected your child's ability to have strong, healthy relationships and give him room to practice having those relationships. Finally, you must teach others to be an extension of you, not a replacement for you! Over the past 15 years, it has become very clear to me that working from A CLEAR, SPECIFIC ACTION PLAN is the best way to meet your child right where he is at and it is how healing happens. And when it comes to school and learning, there is NO BETTER OPTION. The reality is that it can be exhausting to swim upstream, but when we do we see results - we see healing and learning and confidence and so much more! In my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet, you will work with me along with two other schooling experts to craft your unique ACTION PLAN that will create an emotionally safe learning "place" for your child. I want to assist you in putting together a powerful list of accommodations and modifications that will help you and the school meet your child right where he is at to ensure success. I want to teach you effective tools and techniques that work to keep anxiety and triggers under control. And I want you to feel confident so BY the END of the class you will have an action plan that will also include strategies and hands on tools that will decrease the really hard stuff like talking back and general disrespectful behaviors and so much more. I cannot wait for you to get your action plan in place and see the HUGE difference it will make for your whole family! Just know...I am keeping this small on purpose. I want to be able to work with each family to ensure they have areally effective action plan when the class is over! At this time there are only a few spots remaining and DOORS ARE CLOSING in 5 DAYS! Get Registered TODAY and let's get your Action Plan in Place! - click on the link below! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less than my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope AND You also will receive an invitation to a FREE Follow Up Q and A Session on October 19th I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you in class! Did You Know...
researchers have linked chronic stress (like the stuff our kids have lived with) to a bunch of cognitive effects, including trouble with attention, concentration and creativity? It is no wonder our kids have a hard time with school! We see this played out in the student who can't sit still or keep his hands to himself, which eventually creates scenarios where he is either separated from his friends or removed from the class altogether. Or the struggle with math or reading...our kids can't stay on task long enough for those concepts to click in. I know you know what I am talking about! My daughter used to come home with her worksheets unfinished ALL OF THE TIME. Sometimes there were 3 of 10 answers missing, but lots of times there were 5 or 6 missing. It was so crazy. When I asked her about it, it was as if she had never even realized they were there or that she had skipped them. It became a pattern...I imagined it like an EKG (you know, those strips of jagged lines that show your heart activity) of her concentration while she was doing that assignment. She would answer 2, get distracted, skip a couple, and then come back to do 1 more and then she lost her way again - up, up, down, up, down ,down, etc... The clincher...she almost always knew the answer when I asked her the question. She just couldn't stay on task long enough to get them recorded on the worksheet. Her grades and feedback from the teacher reflected her issue with attention and concentration. NOT good on either account! She got low marks and the teacher received it as defiance. Trauma, grief, FAS, anxiety, just to name a few, really create road blocks for our children. Not only are there real changes in the way their brain grew and developed, but their ability to feel safe and calm in their own skin is lots of times not there. How can you concentrate, pay attention, keep yourself in check, be creative, be friendly, listen and follow directions and more when you barely feel safe? You CAN'T! I have found that the families and schools that are the most intentional about meeting their kids right where they are at are absolutely having huge success in overcoming road blocks such as poor attention and concentration. It is about creating an emotionally safe experience. Knowing how your child learns best and implementing that into his day allows him to be successful and not feel vulnerable. Using super effective tweaks and accommodations specifically designed with your child in mind to keep him from being triggered during the day supports him in staying focused and effective. Working with your child's team to ensure that they really get the whole picture so that your child is getting assistance from them that is healing. There is SO much we can do to help our children learn amidst their struggles! Families tell me time and time again that thinking and acting like an Intentional Parent has been a game changer for their family - especially around schooling! Whether your child goes to public school or is home schooled, whether your child shines at school or is the "trouble-maker", whether he has a hard time making friends or is the center of everyone's attention or whether he can't get math, but can build incredible things out of Legos...meeting him right where he is at will create successful emotional experiences for him and you WILL see positive progress! I want to teach you how to get different results than you have in the past...I want to teach you how to help your child have his best year yet! You ALL deserve that! I have put together new research, effective tools and techniques that work to keep anxiety and triggers under control, powerful I.E.P. and accommodation suggestions, the pluses and minuses of homeschooling, words and ideas to help you create an effective team, steps to help your child improve his self-esteem and make friends, and SO much more so that you can really help your child succeed! OOH, I HEAR YOUR EYES ROLLING BACK IN YOUR HEAD (wink, wink)...I totally get it, I have been there. You are thinking, Stacy, I have tried everything and nothing changes...I am exhausted and overwhelmed and I just don't think I can or want to do it! Here's the thing, that mindset is only going to make things worse because your child is responding to where you are, he's responding to the hope you have for the situation. If you don't have any, neither does he - without hope for change and a better life, they quit! Behavior gets worse, no self worth, anxiety depression, lying, stealing, and on and on! This is part of the job you were meant to have (parent) and you CAN do this and I am here to help you make it work! In my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet, you will work with me along with two other schooling experts to craft a unique action plan that will create an emotionally safe learning "place" for your child. You will have effective tools and techniques that will help your child be able to pay attention and concentrate better which will help with things like math struggles. Strategies and hands-on tools that will decrease the really hard stuff like talking back, mouthing off and general disrespectful behaviors. Your action plan will include specific powerful additions to be added to an IEP or 504 and tons of ways to make accommodations at home that will ensure success. And SO much more! Stop questioning whether or not things can actually get better and make it happen! Choosing to go for it and "fight" for it speaks volumes to EVERYONE around you. You CAN do this! Just imagine it...a calmer happier school year - that is good for your entire family! Just know...I am keeping this small on purpose. I want to be able to work with each family to ensure they have a really effective action plan when the class is over! At this time there are 7 spots remaining! Get Registered today so you don't lose your spot by clicking on the link below! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less than my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope AND just added today-- A FREE Follow Up Q and A Session on October 19th I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you in class! are NOT alone, Stacy Manning Are you wondering about homeschooling? Looking back, I am very glad I had an opportunity to homeschool our children. I called it Manning Immersion School. Being home together allowed us plenty of time to learn about each other. It allowed our girls to experience things like consistent food, safety and the loving behavior of a parent. It allowed me to get to know things like their favorites, their fears and their beliefs about the world and themselves. Being home allowed us to work on building their safety net as well as helping them to learn.
No, it was NOT easy and I was NOT always glad I had made that choice. It was often INTENSE. We even sent one of our daughters to school for a year in the middle of it - to see if I was the real problem. We learned real quickly I was NOT the problem...the struggles like stealing, lying, and tantruming still happened at school. She spent a year at school and then we kept her home again - she was relieved. There were days school happened and days that it didn't. I got more and more confident in the fact that my kids needed to learn to trust before they could learn their math facts. But HOW? They were supposed to be learning/schooling. Here's what I found out...Studies show that kids who come from abuse, neglect, loss and trauma have a hard time being successful at learning and working on relationships/Secure Attachment at the SAME time. I decided that this could make homeschooling a viable option for them. For youth with experiences living in chaos, danger, and other difficult histories, the expectations of fitting into a family and being a student are all overwhelming. They spend a lot of their time being triggered...existing in Fight, Flight or Freeze. Many times the adults in their lives don't even realize that is where they are because it doesn't look like that; it looks like defiance, aggression, tuning out or lack of trying. When our human mind is triggered, all non-survival functions in our brain shut down. There is no appetite - digestion is shut down. There is no executive functioning - knowing right and wrong and learning is shut down. Their perceived fear and the need to survive takes over! SO the answer is to focus on being intentional about HOW you school your child or HOW you send your child to school. Keeping triggers to a minimum is the goal. When you keep triggers down, executive functioning can remain in tact and learning CAN happen. The recipe for success is knowing how your child learns best and learning how to teach that way, how to communicate to him without triggering him, when it is anxiety that is getting in the way, having your fingers on the pulse of all of the resources out there that will help you meet him where he is at, knowing how to organize and think through how to focus your teaching and understanding how to create an emotionally safe learning environment ALL the while building and strengthening your connection with your child. It WORKS to help him be So MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL! You CAN homeschool your child if you want to and I am here to help you do that! If you have been contemplating homeschooling but aren't because it is just too overwhelming and you are not sure you can or want to handle it, my next class is for YOU! Every session will prepare you more and by the end of the 4 sessions you will have an action plan put in place! In my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet, you will work with me along with two other schooling experts to: Keep triggers to a minimum Know how your child learns best and learn how to teach that way Know how to communicate with him and teach him without triggering him Know when it is anxiety that is getting in the way Have your fingers on the pulse of all of the resources out there that will help you meet him where he is at Know how to organize and think through how to focus your teaching Understand how to create an emotionally safe learning environment Keep a focus on building and strengthening your connection with your child while learning is going on And SO much more... Just imagine it...a calmer happier school year - that is good for your entire family! Just know...seats are filling up and I am keeping it small so I can work with each family to ensure they have a really effective action plan when the class is over! Only 8 spots remaining! Get Registered today so you don't lose your spot! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less then my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope I am looking forward to seeing you in class! Oh boy, that first call from school for the year...ugh! Here we go again. "Your son is being disruptive, your son was disrespectful to the teacher, your son has got to change this or that, your son, your son..." Those phone calls are so hard and so destructive. Either you're mad and frustrated with the teacher or you're mad at your child and then even yourself - none of which helps at all. It seems like a never ending issue.
I get it, sometimes it seems like no matter how hard you try when it comes to school it is still a struggle. For so many of our children, the impacts of their losses runs deep and LOTS OF TIMES YOU CAN'T SEE IT. The early connections that were damaged were where the ability to regulate your own emotions comes from so our kids struggle with saying and doing the wrong things. They blurt out their feelings inappropriately to other students or their teacher or they go to the opposite extreme and hold them in until their bodies can't take it anymore and they end up touching or pushing other people or knocking things over or being too rough. Then throw in other hurdles, like not being able to read non-verbal cues very well or really not getting cause and effect concepts, and the snowball begins to form...the more they fail the higher their anxiety rises and the less ability they have - a recipe for disaster! Self regulation is key to surviving a classroom and being able to concentrate and be organized enough to learn in ANY scenario and our children NEED PRACTICE AND COACHING to be successful. Being intentional about HOW you send your child to school or HOW you choose to school your child is what will help him be more successful. Here's the thing, you are your child's external regulator for a long time. So, when you put specific plans in place that keep YOU in your child's experience, he will be able to regulate himself better. This is about BRAIN WIRING...not defiance! Whether at home or at a school, it really helps if you have a team that gets it or at least tries to get it to really make this happen. To help your child regulate better, you have to first put in place items, routines and consistencies that create a strong connection and then put in place easy to use CLEAR and CONCISE PLANS that will honor and support that connection NO MATTER where each of you are - together or apart. When your child's whole team uses the same plan pointing everything back to you "the external regulator", he will have MORE POSITIVE results across the board. Healing happens, new brain wiring happens! Putting a plan in place to create the connection that will ABSOLUTELY help your child regulate better is only one of the powerful things I will be teaching in my upcoming 4-part workshop series Your Child's BEST School Year Yet. There is SO much more....come and work with me along with two other schooling experts to gather the knowledge, experience and tools and techniques you need to create YOUR CHILD'S best year yet! Being an Intentional Parent means meeting your child right where they are at and teaching others to do the same thing - when that happens your child will be more successful! Imagine it...a school year that is more peaceful - your entire family will benefit from that! Just know...seats are filling up and I am keeping it small so I can work with each family to ensure they have a really effective action plan when the class is over! Get Registered today so you don't lose your spot! -I have priced this session to be really affordable! (less then my normal per class fee) -You get the recordings of the class if you can't be on live. -You also get the recording of 2 of my best selling classes as a GIFT from Me to YOU! Dealing With The Daily Grind: Eating, Sleeping and Bathrooming & The Power of Hope I am looking forward to seeing you in class! Do you just want to see your child have a more successful school year? I know what that is like. I also know how overwhelming and exhaustng all the details and options can be, let alone stepping out of my comfort zone, beyond all the negative voices in my and out of my head and my own self doubt.
Maybe you want your child to be able to make more friends, or to be able to get his math? Maybe you want to feel like the teachers at school value your input or are on your side? Maybe you want to homeschool your child, but just don't know how to go about it or if you can really do it? Maybe your IEP needs some tweaking and you need some fresh ideas to help curb hard behaviors? Maybe you are tired of getting calls from school asking you to pick up your son or daughter in the middle of the day? I want to help you understand your child's learning style, how trauma has impacted him and his ability to learn and put together an action plan that will really work! I want to help you create your action plan while avoiding ALL the common pitfalls that arise. Last month we planned something very special for you to happen this fall and it's almost here! I have schooled my 6 kids using a variety of styles including both public school and homeschooling. At this point, we have one in college and one who owns her own business. The remainder are finishing up their high school careers homeschooling, at an arts academy and in public school. I have also worked with many clients to help them find their way through the schooling process by helping to plan homeschool curriculum, joining IEP meetings, and educating a multitude of school staff from Principal to Para. Schooling is such a huge part of your family's is important to get it right and I can help! Do you just want to see your child have a more successful year? But you're overwhelmed about all the details? Questions you seriously have to ask yourself are:
JOIN ME IN September starting MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12th at 7:30pm FOR THIS CLASS OF A LIFETIME! The BEST part is this- it is affordable to ANYONE! On this class, which you can do from your own home through a smartphone, I'll lay out the ground work for you, cover all the details, help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed and most importantly HELP YOU to create your ACTION PLAN for this years school plan.. One week before class I'll send you a homework assignment with a questionnaire to get you started quickly. We are going to be very intentional on this class so YOU can get the best results! It doesn't matter that school has started...actually it is better! We can take what is happening and make it better - you can make changes any time throughout the year, actually you should make changes throughout the year always heading towards meeting your child right where he is right now! If you are SERIOUS about having the best school year yet, please see what I have prepared for you! THIS could be your chance to write for yourself a More PEACEFUL YEAR and a MUCH HAPPIER family! PLEASE NOTE: The price is ridiculous and so get a seat now! P.S. You also get 2 bonus classes to get you started and the recordings of the classes if you can't attend! |
February 2020