Do you struggle with feeling connected with your child?
My oldest adopted daughter really had a very difficult time having a mom. I felt like I gave her everything…stuff, but also my time and attention. It didn’t matter; she wouldn’t let me in. She didn’t let me parent her, even when she was hurt or sick. As a matter of fact, she would blame me for all of her woes. She had a very difficult time taking responsibility for even her smallest issues. She was the one of our three that really pushed my buttons. She was especially difficult for me to deal with. To have patience with. To have empathy for. As I pursued a relationship with her and healing for her, I learned a lot about attachment. The basics of attachment are truly important to understand and we are sometimes taught about it. However, what made the big difference for us was so much deeper. It was about the quality of the attachment! Nobody teaches this stuff! Once I learned this key content, things began to change! Our relationship was changed! As a matter of fact, all of my relationships were forever changed! Now it’s like I have a secret code for real clarity in every relationship! I have taught this code to many of my private coaching clients and they have all reported back their “aha” moments! I have decided that it is time to share it with more families…I want to share it with YOU! I have made a commitment to walk alongside other families and I believe this is crucial for you to know so I put together my next teleseminar called Attachment & Connectedness If you can relate, be sure to get registered right now so you don't miss it!
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February 2020