Another school year is wrapping many pluses and minuses, right?
So many families look forward to the summer break; however, it isn't always what they thought it might be like. It doesn't always bring relief or an end to hard behavior - sometimes it just creates new stressors and continued hard behaviors (just different ones). The transition is a big one and children who struggle just don't adjust well. The brain of child who struggles with any kind of emotional health hurdle has a hard time with things like increased intimacy, change in routine, expectations, trust, and reading non-verbal cues among other things. The problem is that it doesn't always look or feel like a struggle; it often looks and feels like manipulation, defiance and downright not caring. Don't be deceived...your reaction has the power to calm things or to wind them up. Your reaction can create the kind of summer you would like to have. Be intentional. Know that this is not defiance this is deficit and meet your child right where he is at. Take it slow. Try to create some routine. Be neutral. Paint a picture of what an event will be like. Know your child's tolerance and make decisions based on helping him succeed. You can do this - especially if you remember that your child struggles with transitions, even if it doesn't look like it sometimes. Be Intentional!
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February 2020