If I had a dollar or even a dime for every time I have questioned the parenting choices I made, I would be rich! When we first became a family, I have to tell you I was totally caught off guard...it was way more difficult than I had even considered. It's not like I lived in a magical land in my head and thought it would be so so simple. I knew our kids were coming from hard stuff, but it was even more difficult than I thought it would be.
I questioned myself over and over. I listened to the people outside of my situation that told me that I was doing it all wrong - that I was actually the cause of the problems we were having. I listened, even though they had never lived even an instant in my shoes. I listened when those closest to me poo-pooed the harmful behavior of my children as "all kids do that." I listened when others hinted at the fact that I brought it all upon myself (i.e. this is what you wanted). I even listened when my children said hurtful and sometimes horrible things. You see, there was NO other voice but these. I didn't have voices telling me "I get it" or "I support you." I didn't have voices that said "My child does that too and it hurts." I didn't have a support group. I didn't know others who had experience with traveling my path. I didn't have the opportunity for a mentor. None of it existed! I felt very alone. I felt like a crappy mother. The reality is that it became do or die. So I started my own support groups. I sought out the answers any way I could. I hung onto any mentor I could find for dear life. I used trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn't. And thank goodness it began to fall into place. Life began to be so much more doable. I stopped with the questioning, which enabled my children to trust my true ability to mother them. Behavior slowed way down. Healing began to be so apparent. Life REALLY changed and for the better! I want that for you. I want to help you get there. And I want to save you some of the struggle. Here's what I know for sure - my struggle would have been so much shorter, so much less painful, if I hadn't of had to do it alone. It's kind of like trying to teach yourself a new language. Yes, you can read about it in a book, but you have to do it without Rosetta Stone, without ever hearing a fluent speaker, and without getting advice from a fluent speaker. Pretty difficult! The great news is YOU don't have to do it that way. You have the opportunity to work with someone who has been there, be a part of a group of people who Get It (no judgement, no advice based on never walking your journey, no questioning). I created my Inner Circle so that YOU have this kind of opportunity - so that your struggle can end. You can't go wrong making this jump! . It is a monthly membership which families who join don't want to be without! The only risk in giving it a try is that you could find a place where you feel GREAT. A place where you can get input and advice from someone who gets your struggle and actually knows how to help. A place where you can actually feel normal and understood. I mean seriously, who wouldn't want that and how could that not have a huge impact on your whole life? Don't wait another minute - Let's get you started! Just follow the link below to register! http://www.tohavehope.com/stacy-mannings-inner-circle.html See you in Inner Circle, Stacy Manning
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February 2020