Last weekend, my son was home from college for a few days. He and his brother were reminiscing about funny moments from when they were little.
Fond memories that made them laugh. Out loud laughing, which was great for this Mama's heart. "Remember that time with the rain boots?" Yes, the time my kiddos were outside exploring and adventuring (their favorite thing to do) in their brightly colored rain jackets and their new rain boots. All were having a good, until.... My middle son was in a great spot of mud. Wet, gooey, sticky mud. A favorite kind of little boys. But this time, he was STUCK. He tried moving, but no luck. Literally, stuck in the mud. Do YOU ever feel like that on this journey of Adoptive & Foster Parenting? I sure did. There were times I felt like we weren't making any progress. Nothing I tried was working. I was tired. Exhausted. Worn out. And I just didn't know what else to do, what else to try. So many Adoptive and Foster Parents have felt this way. It can become a vicious cycle. You do have choices...even if it doesn't feel like you do. When you're stuck, you can stay put, feeling helpless and hopeless. OR you can
Ready to move forward and get UNSTUCK? Here are 7 action steps you can take to help move you and your family to Happy & Healthy!
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February 2020