You ARE worth it!
I have to tell you my passion is pretty huge when it comes to helping parents of hurt kids take care of themselves as well as they take care of their kids! This is not something I did very well! Not something anyone really was able to help me with. Now, I am committed to do it for you if you will let me! I never wanted to take any time away from the kids because I felt like it was't worth it! The fall-out that I had to deal with when I got home was hard and I worried all the emotional work we had done had been lost. Lots of times I was barely holding on and thinking of having to do it all again was not pretty. I grocery shopped in the middle of the night so that I didn't have to take the kids with me because that caused them anxiety and I didn't have to leave them with someone else because that caused them anxiety. Time alone with my husband came after everyone was asleep, which was usually long past when we had any energy to have a discussion much less watch a movie or play a game. A couple of my kids burned bridges with people who would care for them and friends and family were not willing to care for them the way we asked them to. There was NO such thing as a break! Here is the thing...I love my kids. I am a stay at home mom by choice. The hurdle is that my adopted kids have needs that are intense. Needs that are born out of irrational beliefs of the world and other human beings due to trauma. A history that causes them to not trust my ability much less desire to take care of them. Needs that are nothing like my biological children. In fact, needs that I want to meet. Needs that they deserve to have met. The hurdle…their needs are driven by their concern for basic survival so the intensity is CONSUMING! My life and the lives of many are consumed by our children's needs. We get weak and tired. We begin to question whether or not we can really do this job. Whether we are the right parent for this child. Our closest relationships are affected by our inability to invest in them because we are tired. We lose ourselves! How can this be good for us or for our kids? It is not good for us! We have to do it differently. We have to take time to take care of us! We have to find a way to fill ourselves up! The tools and techniques I finally figured out allowed me to get some rest, enrich my life, and put time and energy into other important relationships! My life and my children's lives are better for it! Let me teach you how to be able to keep a connection with your child even when you can't be physically together! Important times like school, church, work, daycare, and Mom or Dad time! Join me for: Stacy Manning's...You Deserve A Break
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February 2020